Thursday, 27 October 2016

Jungle of Facebook

In the jungle of Facebook you find a number of animals:

1. The Tiger who is agile, powerful and predatory, wants to dominate conversations often at the expense of other inhabitants.

2. The Elephant - majestic, big , slow - rarely dances,but when it does, what a dance it is. The Big Picture guy, posts rarely.

3. The Hyena - shares without acknowledging, never gives photo credits, copy pastes and eats from the carcass of an animal killed by another.

4.The Gazel - fast and elegant but fragile and sensitive.

5. The Monkey -swings from one branch to the other, comments without reading and often comments on his own comment as no one else is taking notice.

6. The Hippo - has little ears and big mouth - does not listen or read, just keeps posting nonsense without sticking to the thread even on a serious and sensitive subject

7. Rhino - very thick skinned, does not understand sarcasm, does not know when to stop, they will not change their minds nor will they change the subject.

8. Gorilla -may be a vegetarian but do not under-estimate his power and do not mess with him.

9.Poison Dart Frog - rebel without a cause, insults the host on his timeline and poisons conversations with fanaticism and bigotry

10. The Bear - large-hearted, cool temperament, good if he or she is a friend on Facebook.

Please feel free to add.

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